Good news! Every closure and sell-off should cause many r&f to be seriously disturbed by the monetary vampire which the WTBTS has become.
JW's should bear this phrase in mind - "Coming to a KH near you - soon!"
it's goodbye to bristol - hengrove congregation of jw's and the inmates ... err ... members, will be sent to two other bristol congregations either side of it.. i'm told by two elders from bristol, england it is being disbanded on may 1st 2018. this is the 2nd congregation in this circuit to be disbanded recently - the 1st being portishead in late 2014.. hooray!.
Good news! Every closure and sell-off should cause many r&f to be seriously disturbed by the monetary vampire which the WTBTS has become.
JW's should bear this phrase in mind - "Coming to a KH near you - soon!"
i am not a jw, but know a jw family.
seem very loving and happy.
i have come to know the religion and have researched via this site,youtube, reddit etc.
Welcome to the forum Salley.
As you have quickly discovered, J.W.'s and their organization have two faces - one of piety and self-righteousness for the world to see, and the other which screams 'cult.'
One of their favourite scriptures is John 13:35 - "By this all will know that you are my disciples - if you have love among yourselves.”
However, in practice this is translated as "if you have conformity among yourselves.”
Rank & file JW's are positively fearful and forbidden from openly voicing any concerns about their dictatorship's interpretations or practices.
Thankfully, active apostates are more common than suicides.
just had 2 jw's from my local kh ring my doorbell and then put the invitation through my letterbox.
absolutely no desire to talk to local jw's who know me, so i declined to answer the door.. on the subject of the invite, the very first sentence deceptively says - "on the night before he died, jesus told his followers to commemorate his death.
he said, keep doing this in remembrance of me.".
scratchme said, "that's exactly what you did."
If you care to read my exact response, you'll see that I did nothing of the sort: I didn't thank them, let them be, and dismiss them. I refused to engage with them and ignored them - something which every potential JW recruit would and should be advised to do.
just had 2 jw's from my local kh ring my doorbell and then put the invitation through my letterbox.
absolutely no desire to talk to local jw's who know me, so i declined to answer the door.. on the subject of the invite, the very first sentence deceptively says - "on the night before he died, jesus told his followers to commemorate his death.
he said, keep doing this in remembrance of me.".
Just had 2 JW's from my local KH ring my doorbell and then put the invitation through my letterbox. Absolutely no desire to talk to local JW's who know me, so I declined to answer the door.
On the subject of the invite, the very first sentence deceptively says - "On the night before he died, Jesus told his followers to commemorate his death. He said, Keep doing this in remembrance of me."
Naughty, naughty, WTBTS/CCoJW/GB/Faithful Slave - you've been economical with the facts - according to your own dogma. Didn't Jesus instruct only his anointed followers to keep doing it?
The 2nd class riff-raff Christians i.e. "great crowd" weren't included in Jesus' invitation to commemorate & partake. Shame on you
1 cor 13:5:"keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are.
or do you not recognize that jesus christ is in union with you?
by ‘testing whether we are in the faith.’ to do that, we do well to ask ourselves: ‘do i really believe that i am part of the only organization that jehovah has approved to accomplish his will?
"Am I doing my utmost to preach and teach the good news of the Kingdom?"
By standing motionless & speechless at a trolley which advertises a web site??? OK!
.........are due out soon, so here's a question which could be asked of the jw offering the invite:.
"can you show me any scriptures which says that spectators were to be invited to a ritual which is exclusively for future king/priests in heaven?
" (allegedly).
.........are due out soon, so here's a question which could be asked of the JW offering the invite:
"Can you show me any scriptures which says that spectators were to be invited to a ritual which is exclusively for future king/priests in heaven?" (allegedly)
According to JW dogma, the bread & wine scenario is none of the r&f JW's business - never mind "worldly" people!
If it was, it would be news on the worldwide web - and other outlets.
i got the latest memorial invite on my door sometime today.
i work from home.
between the time i drop the kids at school and pick them up, i was here.
Same old same old - nothing radically different.
The org is still following the direction Jesus gave to his followers at Matthew 43:39 where he told them to invite as many unbelieving spectators - as well as every second-class Christian - to an annual event which only anointed Christians were to celebrate. Pretty reasonable - considering the the Bible's instructions.
every now and then, my wife will talk about how things are not making sense within the org.
i usually just dismiss it as her playing mind games with me.
for example, she would ask why there are so many branches being closed or why so many congregations are being merged.
Seeds are clearly growing on fertile soil. Shouldn't be too long before things sprout. A little watering here and there should nurture things nicely.
All the best!
this months broadcast is presented by losche and he discusses the need for trust in the fds.
the following is transcribed from the 12.30 mark.. satan also has the scheme to spread rumors about our brothers including the faithful slave.
the method of spreading rumors is not new.
Bottom line for JW's - "Do not trust OR repeat anything negative you hear about the org in the media - because it's all rumour."
"So, whom do you trust? You fully trust in.......the Faithful Slave. To a reasonable degree you also trust all of your fellow Brothers and Sisters." Mind-control; trust no one but us!
I feel a song coming on - "Listen, obey, & be suppressed......................."